Poradenstvo a podpora
Naša služba vyvinula rozsiahly adresár podporných systémov, ku ktorým by ste chceli mať prístup. Najlepším spôsobom, ako vás nasmerovať na podporu, ktorú potrebujete, je zavolať na linku dôvery a hovoriť s operátorom. Vieme však, že telefonovanie nie je pre každého, preto sme zostavili krátky zoznam služieb, ku ktorým budete mať pravdepodobne prístup sami, podľa vašich potrieb.

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Hľadáte súbory na stiahnutie?
For financial difficulties, support and guidance is available to help with managing debt and accessing benefits. Check out these links and resources to further support services:
- Citizens Advice: Provides free, confidential, and impartial advice on a range of issues including money, debt and benefits.
Find your local Citizens Advice here: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/about-us/contact-us/contact-us/contact-us/
- Help To Claim Service: Provides free independent support and guidance to individuals applying for Universal Credit with the early stages of your Universal Credit claim.
Link: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/about-us/contact-us/contact-us/help-to-claim/
- Derby Law Centre: Offers free legal advice and support to individuals who need help with a range of issues, including housing, employment, debt, and welfare benefits in Derby City.
Link: http://www.thederbylawcentre.co.uk/default.asp
- Derbyshire Law Centre: Offers free legal advice and support to individuals who need help with a range of issues, including housing, employment, debt, and welfare benefits across Derbyshire.
Link: https://derbyshirelawcentre.org.uk/
- Turn2Us: Provides a range of support services to individuals who are struggling financially, including a benefits calculator, grants search tool, and information and advice on accessing financial assistance.
Link: https://www.turn2us.org.uk/Get-Support
Mentálne zdravie
Support is available for those struggling with their mental health. Use the list of services below to access a range of available services such as helplines, counselling, and therapy services to receive the help you need. Note: In the case on an emergency crisis for yourself or another please call 999.
- Derbyshire Mental Health Helpline and Support Service: Provides free and confidential mental health advice and support to individuals who need help, including crisis support and access to specialist services.
Link: https://www.derbyshirehealthcareft.nhs.uk/services/helpline-and-support-service
- Derbyshire Mind: Offers a range of support for mental health difficulties, including counselling, group therapy, and employment support.
Link: http://www.derbyshiremind.org.uk/sources-of-help/
- One Advocacy (Derby): Provide free specialist one-to-one, issue-based advocacy services, helping individuals to understand and act upon their rights.
Link: https://www.citizensadvicemidmercia.org.uk/advocacy/
- Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Teams: Provide intensive support and treatment to individuals experiencing a mental health crisis, These teams work to assess, treat, and support individuals in their own homes or other community settings.
For contact details services across Derbyshire:
- Derbyshire “Help in a mental health crisis”: Provides round-the-clock mental health crisis support, including assessment, treatment, and guidance for individuals, family members, and carers and link to further support services.
Link: https://www.derbyshirehealthcareft.nhs.uk/getting-help/help-mental-health-crisis
- Samaritans: Provide a confidential space for individuals to talk through their feelings and offer non-judgmental support, 24/7 – 365 days a year.
Link: https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/contact-samaritan/
- Give Us a Shout: is a free 24/7 mental health support service, providing confidential support via text messaging for anyone in crisis in the UK.
Link: https://giveusashout.org/
- MIND: Mind provides a range of confidential helplines offering information and support for individuals experiencing mental health issues.
Link: https://www.mind.org.uk/
ASPEKTY (Autistické a aspergujúce osoby každej kategórie (divnej) sexuality) je skupina podpory 16+, ktorá by mohla byť práve pre vás. Možno ich nájsť na Facebooku vyhľadaním výrazu „Komunita ASPECS UK Autism LGBTQ + Community“ v sekcii skupín. Môžete tiež kontaktovať zakladateľa skupiny, Dana Kahna MA, e-mailom na adrese dan@alacroart.com
Širokú škálu podpory a služieb nájdete tiež na serveri LGBT nadácia. Môžete ich kontaktovať na telefónnom čísle 0345 3 30 30 30 alebo si môžete prezrieť ich webovú stránku kliknutím na nasledujúci odkaz:
If you believe you may have autistic spectrum condition or want to learn more about autism and managing your health, the NHS has a page dedicated to autism and all the advice you need to ensure your health is kept in check and that you have the knowledge and support you require. Just click the link below to explore the information and advice they offer:
Národná autistická spoločnosť tiež majú stránku venovanú zdraviu a rôznym aspektom starostlivosti o zdravie, o ktorých možno budete potrebovať ďalšiu radu. Stačí kliknúť na odkaz nižšie a preskúmať, čo ponúkajú:
Tím pre poruchy učenia DHCFT
Ambiciózny ohľadom autizmu has a really useful page of advice and tips about seeking employment if you’re an autistic individual. They also have links to other, more specific, initiatives that seek to help people with neurodevelopmental conditions enter the workplace. Just click the link below:
Práva postihnutých UKje webová stránka obsahuje aj sekciu venovanú prístupu k pracovným právnym predpisom a tomu, ako môžete uplatniť svoje práva na pracovisku alebo ako pomoc pri zabezpečení zamestnania. Stačí kliknúť na odkaz nižšie:
If you are an employer who wants to learn more about autism and supporting employees with autism, Rada grófstva Derbyshire produce a handy booklet, packed full of important information relating to autism and employment – such as making reasonable adjustments. Click the link below to download this booklet:
Autizmus Plus seeks to increase the confidence and employability skills of autistic people and deliver a range of programmes and interventions to support autistic adults, those with learning difficulties, mental health conditions and related conditions gaining valuable and effective employment. Their services are tailored to meet individual needs and focus on providing support to help individuals overcome barriers and progress towards employment, education or further training. Their aim is to empower individuals to believe in themselves and to take control of their own futures, overcoming barriers and moving closer towards their goals. Click below to explore what they may be able to offer you:
Mestská rada v Derbyshire má oddanú službu na podporu zdravotne postihnutých ľudí pri hľadaní odbornej prípravy, pracovných skúseností, dobrovoľníckej práce a plateného zamestnania. Toto sa nazýva Derbyshire Disability Employment Service. Konkrétne ponúkajú tieto služby:
- pomôže vám nájsť miesto, ktoré je pre vás to pravé
- pomoc pri hľadaní pracovných skúseností a dobrovoľníckej práce
- určite sa informujte o voľných pracovných miestach
- pomôžte s predajom vo svojich prihláškach a životopise
- pomôže vám pripraviť sa na pohovor
- poradí vám o podpore na pracovisku, ako je vybavenie alebo iná podpora, ktorú môžete potrebovať
- vás podporia pri prístupe na pracovné stáže a učňovskú prípravu
- pomôcť zamestnávateľom pri podpore ich zdravotne postihnutých zamestnancov
Kliknutím na nasledujúci odkaz získate ďalšie podrobnosti:
Podpora pre opatrovateľov
Staráte sa o niekoho, kto žije s autizmom? Ak je to tak, v Derbyshire sú dve služby, ktoré vás môžu podporiť, v závislosti od toho, kde ste sa vy a vaši ľudia starali.
Ak sa staráte o niekoho, kto žije v okrese Derbyshire, Združenie opatrovateľov v Derbyshire vám môže poskytnúť rôzne služby podľa vašich potrieb. Ak sa chcete dozvedieť viac, kliknite na odkaz nižšie:
Ak sa staráte o niekoho, kto žije v Derby City, Univerzálne služby pre opatrovateľov v Derby vás bude môcť podporiť. Ak sa chcete dozvedieť viac, kliknite na odkaz nižšie:
Ďalšia osobitná podpora v Derbyshire
Here is a list of local and national support services that can be helpful to neurodiverse individuals and their families. We encourage you to explore these links and find the services that best meet your needs.
- National Autistic Society: UK-wide charity supporting autistic individuals and their families with helpline, forums, and branches.
Link – https://www.autism.org.uk/
- Autism East Midlands: Charity providing autism support and training in the East Midlands region.
Link – https://www.autismeastmidlands.org.uk/
- Derbyshire Autism Services: Local charity providing services for families and autistic individuals in Derbyshire.
Link – https://www.derbyshireautismservices.org/
- Living Well With Autism: This service offers counselling and courses for autistic adults in Derby City and South Derbyshire.
Link – http://www.livingwellwithautism.org.uk/
- Autism & Neurodiversity Coaching: Promotes acceptance in the autism and neurodiverse community, offering services such as 1-2-1 coaching, group sessions, and support with diagnosis.
Link – http://www.autismandneurodiversitycoaching.co.uk/
- Autistica: A UK-based charity that funds research into autism and campaigns to improve understanding and acceptance of the condition.
Link – https://www.autistica.org.uk/
Family and Relationships
Autistic individuals can often have difficulties when it comes to forming positive relationships and those who care for autistic individuals may often not know how best to support. Below are some links to services which can offer support to parents, and carers or autistic individuals are the topic of families and relationships.
- The Autism Information and Advice Service – Parent/Carer Awareness Course: Provides awareness and guidance to parents and carers of autistic individuals.
Link: https://www.autisminformationservice.org.uk/parent-carer-training/
- The Lighthouse: Provides support and advice to families with disabled children and young people in Derby, including information on services, equipment, and activities.
- Parent Carers Together CIC: A community interest company that provides information, support, and advocacy for parents and carers of children with additional needs in Derby, visit their Facebook page to get involved.
Link – https://en-gb.facebook.com/derbycityparentcarerstogether/
- Relate: Offers relationship counselling and support for individuals, couples, and families in Derby and beyond, visit their website to learn more.
Link – https://www.relate.org.uk/
Získanie štatútu usadeného vo Veľkej Británii
Ak ste občanom EÚ, EAA alebo Švajčiarska, musíte sa uistiť, že ste sa usadili, aby ste mohli chrániť svoje práva v Spojenom kráľovstve. Citizens Advice Mid Mercia vám s tým môže pomôcť. Stačí im zavolať na číslo 01827 909101. Ak angličtina nie je vaším prvým jazykom, dajte im vedieť a môžu vám zabezpečiť ďalšiu podporu.
Vystúpenie do komunity
The Derbyshire County Council community connector service can help autistic individuals and those with Learning Disabilities to better access the community around them. They offer a wide array of services, to find out more, see their brochure here: